what to do if a toddler ingests a small amount of a chlorine tablet

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Poisoning with vapors, chlorine solution, in the puddle: signs, what to practise, how to treat



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Chlorine is a poisonous gas with a sweetish metallic gustatory modality and a pungent odor. In nature, it is found only in the composition of minerals. In small amounts, it is contained in the intercellular fluid of homo and brute, participating in the work of nerve cells and metabolic processes. Chlorine is widely used in the production of pesticides, fertilizers, solvents, medicines, detergents and disinfectants, plastics, polyvinyl chloride, constructed rubber, warfare agent. In everyday life it is used for bleaching, cleaning bathtubs, washbasins and toilet bowls, it is disinfected with water in the pools and h2o in the houses. Nether what circumstances can it pose a threat to homo life?

trusted-source[one], [two], [3], [4], [v]


Statistics show that in the world almost technogenic accidents are associated with the release of ammonia and chlorine into the atmosphere. And if we take into account how much substance is used in agriculture, in water purification, in pharmaceuticals, then the negative scale of its influence on a person becomes clear. Among domestic poisonings, near half of all cases fall on poisoning with this substance.

trusted-source[6], [vii], [8], [nine], [10], [11], [12]

Causes of the poisoning with chlorine

To ensure that chlorine is safe, at that place are maximum permissible concentrations. Thus, in the atmosphere, the boilerplate daily gas content should not be more than than 0.03 mg / m three, erstwhile - 0.1 mg / m 3, in industrial bounds - ane mg / m iii. The causes of chlorine poisoning tin can be:

  • industrial accidents;
  • big gas content in the puddle and water supply;
  • the utilise of chemic weapons of mass destruction;
  • violation of the rules of utilise in everyday life (high concentrations, closed rooms).


Chance factors

The run a risk factors include alcoholism, substance abuse, drug habit. The chronic, throat, lung, heart, renal and hepatic insufficiency is exacerbated past the susceptibility to chlorine.

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The pathogenesis of chlorine poisoning is a chemical trauma that disrupts the vital functions of the body. Equally a result of the reaction of gas with the wet of the mucous membrane, hydrochloric acid and agile oxygen are formed, which too have a toxic effect. In the beginning, the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract suffers, then the epithelial lining of the alveoli. There is a swelling, degeneration, then necrosis. These processes lead to an increase in the permeability of the alveolar walls, impaired blood circulation, damage to the pulmonary capillaries.

trusted-source[21], [22], [23], [24], [25]

Symptoms of the poisoning with chlorine

Symptoms of chlorine poisoning depend on the dose of the poison agent and the duration of its exposure. The kickoff signs are expressed in:

  • throat and coughing due to irritation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract;
  • bitter gustatory modality in the mouth and increased saliva;
  • rubbing in optics and watery eyes;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • possible cramps.

Poisoning with chlorine vapor tin can occur both in product using gas, in agriculture when spraying crops, and at home. The ingress of gas vapors through the upper respiratory tract is called inhalation poisoning. Such poisoning tin exist obtained from whatever toxic gas - chlorine, ammonia, etc.

Symptoms of poisoning with chlorine and ammonia are similar: perspiration in the throat, coughing, choking, headache, lacrimation, skin irritation, breast hurting, stomach.

Ammonia is virtually ofttimes affected by production, cleaning of sewerage and cesspools.

Cases of chlorine poisoning are non uncommon in swimming pools. Owners of private pools, trying to avert the spread of infections, sometimes overdo it with the content of chlorine in the water. There are no single reports in the mass media that the amateurs of swimming became massively ill during the voyage.

Poisoning with chlorine at habitation

Oft, chlorine poisoning occurs at home when used in large volumes in unventilated areas of cleaning products, bleach with not-compliance with the guidance on the concentration of the substance. Chlorine - cheap, and therefore attractive for many housewives method to clean, disinfect the toilet, bathroom, whiten the laundry. Violation of the rules of using the tool can result in large losses for both health and pocketbook.

Chlorine poisoning in children

Poisoning with chlorine in a kid is very dangerous. The reason for this tin can exist both a pool and unattended cleaners. Parents are best used to disinfect substances that practice not contain chlorine, and when visiting the pool to inquire what is disinfected h2o. When the first symptoms of poisoning are important fast response of adults - interruption of contact with the source of infection, airing the room, call an ambulance.

trusted-source[26], [27], [28], [29], [xxx], [31]


Depending on the exposure time of the toxin, acute and chronic poisoning is distinguished. Astute chlorine poisoning has the post-obit stages:

  1. the get-go - lightning - occurs due to poisoning with a large concentration of gas. Accompanied by suffocation, convulsions, redness and blueness of the skin, ends with a fatal outcome;
  2. the 2d - heavy - it is characterized by temporary suffocation, loss of consciousness, mayhap the onset of decease, if there was a fire of the lungs;
  3. the third - the heart - entails a difficulty in breathing, burning and choking in the throat as a upshot of a fire of the laryngeal mucosa, lacrimation, pulmonary edema;
  4. fourth - easy.

Calorie-free mild chlorine poisoning is associated with minor ailments, expressed in a burning sensation in the nose and pharynx, with a runny nose, coughing, optics blushing and watering. A person feels a general weakness for several days. These symptoms disappear afterward a few days.

Chronic chlorine poisoning occurs every bit a upshot of prolonged exposure to a small concentration of gas in the trunk. This happens, as a rule, in people whose professional activity is related to the production using chlorine. The illness is expressed in a constant dry cough, full general weakness, depressive state.

trusted-source[32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37]

Complications and consequences

Prolonged exposure to chlorine for chronic poisoning affects the skin status - dermatitis, bleeding acne, purulent skin lesions. Consequences and complications of astute poisoning can exist chronic laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema of the lungs, pneumosclerosis, cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency.

trusted-source[38], [39], [40]

Diagnostics of the poisoning with chlorine

When diagnosing chlorine poisoning, it is very important to know all the details of what happened: the circumstances of the infection, the fourth dimension spent in the danger zone, the toxin dose. Fifty-fifty if a person feels satisfactory, he must exist hospitalized at least for a mean solar day in order to deport laboratory, instrumental and functional studies.

When poisoning with chlorine, the gas composition of the arterial claret is examined. The oxygen content in it decreases in the instance of a strong lesion, organic acids increment. As the edema of the lungs increases, hemoglobin, leukocytes, accelerate the clotting time.

A very of import method of instrumental diagnostics for chlorine poisoning is lung X-rays in dynamics. Identification of changes in the organ, characteristic for edema, volition let to have urgent measures to save the patient. At an early phase, the size of the roots of the lungs increases, their vascular blueprint increases, the pulmonary fields become less transparent, nighttime spots appear. Timely treatment begun after 6-viii hours gives a reverse picture. If there is an edema of the lungs, focal shadows merge, the lymph vessels groovy. In the process of recovery, the radiograph changes after ii-ten days. The development of gray hypoxia (stage of collapse) is expressed by large-scale concealment of the lungs.

To assess the status of other organs, MRI, CT is used. An ECG of the heart is also performed.

trusted-source[41], [42], [43], [44], [45], [46], [47]

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnostics is carried out with poisoning by other toxic substances, for example, ammonia, mercury, carbon monoxide, metallic oxides, etc.

trusted-source[48], [49], [50], [51], [52], [53], [54], [55]

Who to contact?

Treatment of the poisoning with chlorine

The handling of the victims must begin with the provision of the kickoff emergency aid, which primarily consists in removing the source of contagion or evacuating a person from the affected area and providing it with fresh air. Then you need to take off his wearing apparel and wash with water those areas of skin with which chlorine was in contact. When oral poisoning is important, immediately wash the stomach. Throat, olfactory organ and mouth tin can be rinsed with a weak soda solution. Eyes are thoroughly done with warm water. Showing inhalation with soda and aqueous solution. If necessary, airway patency is provided. The use of antidotes for poisoning allows you lot to counteract the dissentious substance, eliminate disruption in the body, normalize the condition. Antidote for poisoning with chlorine can be a conventional oxygen pillow. In the case of edema of the lungs, hormone therapy is used, and for the prevention of infections, antibiotics.


When chlorine poisoning, inhalations of bronchodilators are carried out: salbutamol, atrovent, berodual, etc. It is possible to carry out the procedure with a 10% solution of menthol in chloroform.

Salbutamol - a powder and a solution for inhalation, has a bronchodilator upshot. A single dose is 2.5 mg 3-4 times a day, if necessary, can be increased to v mg. Use with caution in diseases of the thyroid gland, tachycardia, pregnancy, high claret pressure. Of side effects, there is a tremor, a rapid heartbeat.

Anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, ibuprofen, are also used.

Ibuprofen - is bachelor in tablets, syrups. Information technology is recommended 400mg 2-3 times a solar day, the maximum dose is 2.4 g per 24-hour interval. May cause dizziness, nausea, indisposition, nervous agitation, allergies. Contraindicated in hematological problems, gastrointestinal ulcers in the acute stage, children less than 6 years quondam, liver and kidney failure.

In instance of difficulty in breathing, they are prescribed theofedrine, theophylline, and euphyllin.

Teofedrine - tablets, taken in the morning or daytime on a tablet or a one-half times a day by adults and children after 12 years. For children younger enough for the quaternary part of the pill. If necessary, the frequency of reception can be increased up to three times. Information technology is non prescribed for glaucoma, coronary disorders. It can cause nausea, airsickness, sweating, and urinary retention.

To get rid of a cough and speed up the excretion of sputum from the bronchi volition help bromhexine.

Bromhexine - tablets, syrup, reduces the viscosity of sputum and its secretion. Doses for different age categories of their own, taken 3 times a day:

  • 2-6 years - 4 mg or half a tablet (half or total teaspoon of syrup);
  • vi-ten years - three 4th or whole tablet (1-two spoons);
  • subsequently x years - a tablet four times a day (2-3 spoons).

You can apply the preparation for inhalations, diluting it with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 1. With prolonged use of bromhexine, side effects rarely occur in the grade of digestive disorders, swelling. Contraindicated in the start trimester of pregnancy, with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, ulcer digestive organs

Optics are instilled with 0.v% solution of dicoline or novocaine (0.25%).

Dikoin - powder, have a strong coldhearted effect. It is enough 2-3 drops in each eye. The drug is toxic, so it does non utilize to pregnant women and children under 10 years of age.

Toxic burns of the lungs are treated with prednisolone or hydrocortisone.


When chlorine is poisoned by the victim simultaneously with other therapeutic measures, large doses of ascorbic acid are administered. Later carrying out the first urgent measures and eliminating the threat of life, it is necessary to support the body with vitamins and microelements. To this stop, you can resort to vitamin complexes that take in their composition vitamins B, vitamin E. It is important to include in your diet more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

To widely used physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of chlorine poisoning is oxygen therapy, the use of which is very of import in hypoxia, tk. Compensates the lack of oxygen in the tissues. Amid the first-priority measures to eliminate the effects of poisoning are various inhalations (soda, medicamentous).

Alternative treatment

When poisoning with chlorine by ingesting it inside through the mouth, the stomach is washed with milk or by dissolving the protein of the raw egg in h2o. Culling treatment offers various recipes for expectoration in the issue of bronchial involvement. Constructive for this purpose is honey mixed with onion juice: mix in equal parts these ingredients, beverage a tablespoon after eating. The same recipe is used to make a mixture of love and horseradish juice. You tin drink warm milk, having previously squeezed into information technology a garlic clove a few cloves of garlic. With burns of the larynx they drink olive oil with egg whites. To eliminate inflammation of the eyes, fresh tea leaves are used, and they tin can also exist washed with a weak solution of dearest.

trusted-source[56], [57], [58], [59], [60], [61]

Herbal Treatment

To treat upper respiratory tract diseases with herbs, including lesions resulting from chlorine poisoning, there are effective medicinal charges. They necessarily include licorice, which as well neutralizes poisons that have got into the torso; female parent-and-stepmother - expectorant, anti-inflammatory amanuensis; elecampane is a good antiseptic; althaea - has an analgesic effect. When poisoning is constructive decoction of dill seeds, infusion of dry cranberries and cowberries, radiola rose extract.


Now in the auction there are many homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat the symptoms acquired by chlorine poisoning. And then, with lesions of the mucous throat, we apply angin-heel C.

Angin-heel South is a circuitous preparation of vegetable, animal and mineral origin. Has an antiseptic, disinfecting consequence on the source of the affliction of whatever etiology. Round tablets from white to yellow color, odorless. Dose for adults - one piece under the tongue. For children, the tablet is rubbed and dissolved in water at room temperature (one to two tablespoons of water). Depending on the age and body weight, 2 to three teaspoons are recommended per reception. Daily frequency - 3 times. Duration of treatment - up to 3 weeks. Has contraindications for children under 1 year. Mercury in the drug can cause increased salivation, and allergic rashes are possible. In this case, you need to stop receiving.

Another like in action is anginal. There are several options in which different medicinal herbs are arranged. When poisoning is more than suited angina with sage, licorice and eucalyptus oil.

Angina - tablets dissolve in the mouth until completely dissolved. Meaning and children nether v years are not recommended. Adults can accept a pill every 2-iii hours, children from ten years - one-half every bit oft as 3-iv, younger than this age - on a quarter. Are capable to cause allergic displays. Do non apply to patients with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, arterial hypertension.

Cough (chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis), acquired by damage to the upper respiratory tract, tin be treated with a homeopathic remedy broncho-gran.

Broncho-gran granules, the dose of an adult - 7 pieces under the tongue, the children are calculated, based on the age - a granule for a year of life. For small patients, it dissolves in water. Have the drug for a quarter of an hour before a meal or an hr later it, the frequency - ii-vi times a twenty-four hours. Up to a year is prescribed but on the advice of a doctor. In that location are no other caveats.

It restores the functions of the liver and biliary tract subsequently the toxic result of the heparar comp. Heel.

Gepar Comp. Heel is a clear, odorless liquid for subcutaneous, intramuscular, if necessary intravenous injections. Oral administration is possible (unmarried dose is diluted in five-10 ml of h2o). For adults, it is 1 ampoule (two.2 ml), for children varies from 0.4 ml for babies to 1 ml for 6 years. There are no contraindications, allergy to chemical compound agents is possible from side effects.


Surgical treatment may exist needed in case of stenosis of the larynx. Surgery is urgent for restoring animate, also every bit restorative.

More information of the treatment


Prophylaxis in "chlorine" production is the passing of medical examiners once a year, too as providing the necessary measures to maintain the permissible concentration of chlorine in the room. This should contribute to the performance of the ventilation system, adherence to the tightness of containers with gas.

In everyday life it is necessary to practice caution when using chlorine-containing substances, to ventilate the premises, wash hands, and protect children from access.

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The forecast is ambiguous - from firsthand decease to tedious recovery. Survivors in the start twenty-four hour period after a potent poisoning with chlorine, every bit a rule, go out. Passes not one week with signs of a pneumonia, a bronchitis. Pulmonary emphysema and disorders in the work of the center can accompany the victim to the end of his life

trusted-source[69], [lxx], [71]

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Source: https://iliveok.com/health/poisoning-vapors-chlorine-solution-pool-signs-what-do-how-treat_128233i15958.html

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